Great turnout at the Saxet Show in San Antonio, Texas! These young ladies were just a few that had fun decorating horseshoes. Very creative! Thanks to all who stopped by!
Woogie posed with me at a rest stop in western Texas that had interesting picnic tables! The flat, dry landscape turned to hilly, dry scenery - most of the southwest is having a very bad drought. Then we passed through New Mexico, Arizona and Nevada where brown grass and shrubs (some called mesquite) turned to desert terrain with very little growth. We also saw areas with Joshua Trees and lots of Cactus like the one above.
Tucson, AZ was lovely, however. They had palm trees there and the mountains in the distance! Great Mom & Pop Donut Shop there on Wrightstown Road there! The La Quinta was the BEST of all the motels we stayed so far and the Golden Corral gets an A+ from us!
On the east side of Las Vegas, we took a quick drive around the Hoover Dam, and Woogie was able to walk with me for photos. The dam will be included in Woogie's next book. See his blog for more photos (click on it on my profile of this blog). The west side of Las Vegas also dry and barren, with miles and miles of no services. (Hint - buy your fuel while in Vegas!)
Headed west on Mojave Freeway to California - desert region then turned to pretty tree-covered low mountains. From Bakersfield, CA we head north to Sacramento for our next event. Stay tuned with updates by clicking the "follow" button!