The weather outside may have been 105 degrees, but the welcome from the Round Top community was even warmer! There were about 35 people present at my Children's Program at the Family Library - a great turn out since there are 90 residents in this rural town north of Houston!
The historic church building is complete with stained glass windows and an altar where I set up my display booth. After explaining how my passion of horses led to my passion of sharing stories, the 20 children enjoyed the craft project I offered - decorating real horseshoes with sequins and bling!
Pat McCanlies(far right), a local volunteer at the library, and the librarian, Barbara Smith, organized the event. Barbara said it was event with the most attendance they ever had!
Afterwards, Pat gave us a grand tour of her ranch including showing us her gallery of photographs of her and her champion cutting horses. I enjoyed meeting and feeding her three horses - Ruth posed with us. She and Pat have their story in my Beloved Sport Horses. Then Pat treated us to dinner at a local restaurant. Yum!
I want to thank these ladies, and also the community, who gave my husband, Bob, and I such a warm welcome!