I'll be selling and signing books at the Meet The Author Book Signing on Friday, June 27 from 6 - 7 pm at the Paradise Lake Family Campground, located just east of Appomattox on Rt. 460.
On Saturday, June 28th, I'll be reading stories from Beloved School Horses there during the Children's Story Hour from 6 - 7 pm.
If you are in the area, stop by and say hello! There will also be a hay ride and Candy Jeopardy and Candy Bingo on Friday, and a Hay Ride on Saturday.
If you need more details, directions etc, just e-mail me at sharonminer@yahoo.com.
The local region is very historic with numerous tourist spots such as The Natural Bridge and Appomattox Courthouse, where General Lee surrendered to General Grant during the Civil War.
If you are into social networking, I just updated my profile at Facebook and joined a couple of horse groups. Check it out at: